– Note your #achievements

We should normalise recording our plans and goals however small, keeping the details confidential and noting their achievement. In so doing, the extent of achieving success becomes immediately evident over a short period even when we experience difficulties pursuing those plans and goals. By Nimroth Gwetsa, 31 January 2023.

I dislike clichés and fads, but Peter Drucker, the renowned strategist and management guru, was correct in saying, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” Without measuring, it would be difficult knowing how well you are doing. I would extend Drucker’s adage further by saying if you wish to be encouraged, feel motivated and have a sense of purpose, rather record your goals and doing so by starting with those having lower targets and noting their achievement. Soon, many of those goals would be scratched out and marked as achieved. Nothing is more encouraging than realising achievement of goals. Such achievement encourages one to take up even more daring goals and refocusing energies on their accomplishment.

With so many distractions competing for our attention and our encountering increased challenges in this difficult economy, there is no time to waste, much less allowing inefficient use of resources. I know our stages in life may be different. For instance, one facing foreclosure or having no income might find this article somewhat out of touch with reality or unsympathetic to one’s situation. Notwithstanding, the same principles apply to that situation too in that one’s goal might be about getting the opportunity to be heard and considered or having a tangible idea with promising returns one could pursue. One can be encouraged from noting the achievement of such actions.

Understandably, without income, nothing much makes sense. Money is not the be-all and end-all, but it gives one options. One can serve one’s purpose through the use of money. With so much dependent on money and having no access to arable land for going back to basics, it becomes difficult to find motivation to pursue other goals. However, there is no easier way of getting out of the rut unless some action is taken with or without money. Thus, though we acknowledge the importance of money, its availability should not be the precondition for pursuing goals or getting started. Otherwise, the opportunity for attaining success by taking that first step, may be missed.

The silver lining of the difficult times is that it whittles down unnecessary relationships. Reduced relationships enable one to increase focus on important things one ought to act on. Though reduced relationships may invoke feelings of loneliness and abandonment, the situation reduces experiences of unnecessary external pressures and of explaining oneself to others. And such “isolation” if best used, can spur one to pursue those necessary actions to assist in taking one out of the difficult situation.

Now, for those experiencing a bliss, recording plans and goals explicitly is equally important because it is quite easy to be wasteful and lose all in a short period. The legend is true that money goes where money is. It makes sense then that when times are good, that even bolder plans and goals are set so more daring success can be attained. The noting of the achievement of such goals would encourage continuous improvement and sustainability. Thus, it may be undesirable wasting time through inaction or failure to record plans and goals and their attainment.

Perhaps such recordings can enable one to learn lessons from successes and failures of past actions. Such knowledge encourages sustainability and increases resilience against future challenges. The most important of such lessons is sharing knowledge and experience gained, with others and encouraging those struggling to get started or without hope to carry on. We cannot live in total isolation of others. Just as one may not necessarily enjoy a good meal in a swamp, one cannot enjoy one’s success when surrounded by others struggling to overcome challenges one can easily help them with.

Such help may not be monetary but informational. Such can spark the development of a great idea that may benefit all.

Do not limit yourself and chances of success, but confidentially make your plans explicit and avoid keeping them only in your head.

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