– We can outdo ourselves

Have you ever reflected on the outcomes of your work and marvelled at its quality, intensity and depth of knowledge applied, wondering how you could have been the original author of such work? It happens to many of us, and I have discovered that such outstanding results can be a regular and not an occasional feature. By Nimroth Gwetsa, 30 June 2022.

Mine is not one of those snake oil salesmen or motivational speakers’ “I started my factory with one potato” kind of claim, but from a practical and achievable perspective. The mistake we often make is either in thinking lowly or highly of ourselves. We oscillate between the extremes of either self-deprecation and repulsive pride. No wonder many talk too much but seldom produce the results. Others are too timid appearing anxious and by self-fulfilling prophecy, never given a chance, thus depriving us of the opportunity to benefit from their abilities.

Between the extremes lie confidence and abilities. You either have them or do not. Some have one and lack the other and vice versa. Having both is the prize. But confidence based on one’s abilities only works in solving known problems and problems one has experienced before. One cannot be easily confident about solving unknown or never seen and more complex problems. But growth does not come from the confidence arising from facing problems one has experienced before, but from tackling new, complex and unknown solutions that first require that an investigation and study be conducted. Often with the latter case, one cannot be too certain about the timelines for resolving the problem, more so when there is greater urgency in finding the solution.

But there is a way of confidently and boldly providing firm timelines in solving never seen and complex problems. Such confidence is not based on arrogance or displaying some bravado or kumbaya spirit, but from the humility of deriving wisdom and strength deeply embedded in spirituality. Before tapping out of this article because you now feel I am digressing to some spiritual mumbo-jumbo speak, please hear me out. I am a witness to what I am saying. I am not trying to recruit anyone to anything, but I am speaking from practical experience, and not just from a onetime occurrence but somewhat, a way of life kind of thing.

Nevertheless, if your method of growing confidence in tackling and giving firm timelines about solving complex problems “exceeding” your capacity works for you, and you do not believe you should listen to me any further, tap out of this article now.

By spirituality, I am not referring to beliefs in (once) created or natural things, but in that which was never created but has always been. I once spoke about such Being in the article about business management and spirituality found here: https://www.exodusintegration.co.za/?p=3280. And by tackling unknown and never seen problems confidently, I am not referring to taking on any problem even those beyond your professional training or field of study or expertise, but those within your profession. And even then, I am referring to those problems that you are facing and cannot escalate or refer to someone else, but must solve them urgently, lest the worse happens. In other words, those are problems you must solve and no one else.

In such situation, you either must declare defeat and possibly suffer adverse consequences from such a decision, or be brave and tackle the problem head-on, even when at first, it seems you are heading for disaster. Such is the nature of problems this article is referring to, and I am confirming that you can boldly tackle and for which you can unflinchingly and confidently give firm timelines if such is premised on some spirituality.

Some, still in denial about the existence of a divine Being, may argue that with deep reflection on the problem, research and checking existing near solutions, you can arrive at the same answer. I cannot disagree with such a claim, for, I have no basis for doing so. All I am arguing about is the confidence of knowing that you can solve such complex problems, and confidently give firm timelines up front even when you do not know what you do not know. I argue that you can do so without a sweat, increased anxiety or stress. Such is the difference, and each to their own.

But just because you depend on some spiritual assistance, it does not mean you do not have to do the work, work hard, research deeply and review different available solutions. Neither does it mean you would not get stuck, be frustrated, suffer brain freeze and not know what to do next. All these things will occur even with dependence on some spiritual assistance. The difference is that you will ultimately be driven by the hope of finding the answer. Such hope will ensure that stress and anxiety do not overcome you.

Think of it this way, it is like going on a far-distance trip. You do not know about all the treacherous conditions of the road ahead, but you do know (somehow and confidently so) that you will arrive at your destination at the expected time of arrival by hook or crook. As you are driving to your destination, you may encounter unforeseen impediments such as experiencing road closures, violent protest, mechanical breakdown, or even becoming a victim of crime along the way. All those adverse experiences should not, though they can, deter your arrival. Such is the confidence of knowing that you will arrive despite the occurrence of all those adverse setbacks. Such is this confidence with which I am arguing that you can have in giving firm timelines boldly and unflinchingly.

Some may argue that the examples are different because one can use a map or GPS device to provide such estimated distance and time of arrival, but I am arguing that the spirituality I am referring to, is the map or GPS device in question. Without which, you will have no confidence in giving any firm timelines to which you would readily agree to be held accountable and penalties levied if exceeded or reward granted if met or exceeded.

Despite your source of inspiration, power and hope, what matters is that, we should refrain from shortchanging ourselves with mediocre performance and results and only tackling problems within our abilities. Such leads to comfort that ultimately destroys our lives. Always strive to outdo yourself in whatever you do, not only will you develop and become a better person but will reap lucrative results from it.

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